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NoSQL Databases - MongoDB first cut

A few days ago I tried MongoDB, my first encounter with what is called a NOSQL Database. No, it does not mean 'no' 'sql', rather Not only SQL, anyway I thought I would try mongodb, out of the many available there. It has both the document-oriented database design and ability to be accessed from Javascript, both features I really like. However, since I spend most time in Java, I thought I would start there.

First, let me tell you you should try their web console before writing a line of code or downloading anything because it's a really good self-run tutorial, that lets you type real commands and get real output all from the browser! pretty awesome...

Anyway, here is what I did to get started.
1. Download mongodb from
2. Create working dir for MongoDB to use as data directory
3. Open favorite IDE or editor, and start writing test, yes Test, not source, in the spirit of Test Driven Development.
4. In test package, create test such as:

    public static void setup() {
        db = new MongoDB(); db.connect(); // connect to mongodb
        conn = db.connectToDB("test"); // connect to a db called 'test', will be auto created

    public static void close() {

    public void createdb() {
        coll = conn.getCollection("artifacts"); // fetch a collection called 'artifacts', will be autocreated

    public void cleanup() {
        coll.drop(); // remove table

    public void testConn() {
        assertThat(conn.getName(), is("artifacts"));
        assertThat(conn.getCollectionNames().size(), is(0));

Self explanatory, but shows how easy it is to get started with it.

Run this test, it will fail of course! Now on to the green of TDD...

Now, to make this test pass, we need to do two things : Create the objects we use in the tests, and start MongoDB database server.

First, in a source package, add the class MongoDB which would be like:

import com.mongodb.Mongo;
import com.mongodb.DB;

public class MongoDB {
    private Mongo m = null;

    public void connect() {
        try {
            m = new Mongo();
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public DB connectToDB(String name) {
        DB db = m.getDB(name);
        return db;

    public void close() {

Then start MongoDB as:
With a custom data directory (otherwise it assumes a weird location like /data), such as
   >     mongod --dbpath=/local/test/mongodb

Voila, run the test now and it should pass.

You noticed that I tested for the size of collections to be zero, not 1, because the collection 'artifacts' is not created until something is inserted into it.
Also, note that /local/test/mongodb acts as the data directory. for automated tests, you can create this dir in a temp dir, then delete it at the end of testing, which will require shutdown of mongodb. But we won't worry about that now.
Also inspect this directory as you run these tests.

To test this auto create feature of MongoDB, add a test to add a row to the collection, and see if you can get it back, the collection should be auto created.

    public void testMultipleEntries() {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            coll.insert(new BasicDBObject().append("i", i).append("j", i / 2)
                    .append("k", i * 2));
        assertEquals(10000, coll.count());

Pretty straightforward! The BasicDBObject is a Document object. In MongoDB a document is a record, much like a row is in a relational database. The insert() line basically inserts a document with fields 'i' 'j', 'k', into the collection 'artifacts', and with the use of builder pattern you can add as many append()s to keep inserting columns

So what are inserting in each loop iteration looks like:
{ "_id" : { "$oid" : "4dd076881368c78a6cfbdf96"} , "i" : 0 , "j" : 0 , "k" : 0}

If you want to see this formatted document entry, add something like
which displays the first document record (or row) of the collection in JSON format


  1. I was at a MongoDB meetup the other day, there were a few topics on how people have used it forward various purposes.

    One of the interesting ones for me was the geolocation support usage in combination with a Bing maps based application, as geospatial indexing is built in to MongoDB.

    Rather than me try to explain it, here is the link to the official doc:

    The other interesting talk was on rapid prototyping with MongoDb and a database, with practically nothing in between. While not suitable for production for security reasons, it looked quite useful to develop the GUI and the client API quickly without coding in the middleware business logic layer. I wonder how this will work when you do start coding the middle layer. Ingress the idea is that this is quick, and MongoDb's json abilities are ideally suited for web apps which are increasingly speaking this dialect.

    One more, in another post...


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