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Showing posts from May, 2020

Remote debugging of python code in Visual Studio Code

Remote debugging with python and visual studio Code In terminal install debugpy into your environment with something like     python -m pip install debugpy Create a visual studio launch configuration and add following to it following (or just use vs code create configuraiton button to easily create it choose type Python and select from the list, 'Remote attach') { "name" : "Python: Remote Attach" , "type" : "python" , "request" : "attach" , "port" : 5678 , "host" : "localhost" , "pathMappings" : [{ "localRoot" : "${workspaceFolder}" , "remoteRoot" : "." }] }, Run this in the command line to start a debugging server with your script runner python3 -m debugpy --listen --wait-for-client Now run the launch configuration from vs code to attach to this debugger