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Showing posts from April, 2020

How to write and test Node.JS code that performs mutiple async tasks

This is currently WIP, I will fill in more details but it's a good starting version that is still hopefully useful to the reader... Recently I worked on a project that involved scheduling a number of tasks in parallel in Node.js. Running mutiple tasks I used the await-the library to do this. There are multiple ways to solve this kind of problem. Mainly you have to understand the Node.js is a single threaded environment (See Event loop) and how callbacks operate with a library like async or await-the. Basically, here idea was that you write a function that has a callback as its last argument ```   const doTask = async (arg1, callback) {    const results = await doStuffWith(arg1) ;    callback(results); } ``` Then perform this action on multiple inputs in parallel such as by using the excellent async.mapLimit function if you want to limit how many tasks in parallel you want to to...