This need is incredibly common and useful, and hopefully will save you a lot of time when doing server side calls from your UI application (or even non UI clients like NodeJS applications) Example here is to send a POST request to an endoint /api/item/new (which will create a new item in the database). We will just assume tbhe backend is already setup (it's not relevant to this article). All we need to know is that we can do a POST /api/item/new and send it form data with two pieces of info name, filter So, if you have a node.js application (I was using Vue-cli generated project, but it does not matter), install 'axios' (a most popular tool to make server calls these days) npm i axios --save OR yarn add axios (my preferred method) Now, in your service JS file (which is generally when I keep all my api calls) do something like this createNew ( name , filter ) { let formData = new FormData (); formData . append ( "name" , ...
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